In this episode we trace the history of aneuploidy screening from the early days of amniocentesis to the modern day serum screening.
1987 Cuckle Paper:
Other references in no particular order:
First-Trimester or Second-Trimester Screening, or Both, for Down’s Syndrome
Contingent screening for Down syndrome completed in the
First trimester: a multicenter study
Antenatal maternal serumscreening for Down's syndrome: results of a demonstration project
Low second trimester maternal serum unconjugated oestriol in pregnancies with Down's syndrome
Low second trimester maternal serum unconjugated oestriol in pregnancies Down's syndrome
Fetal nuchal translucency: ultrasound screening for chromosomal defectsinfirsttrimesterofpregnancy
Maternal serum screening for Down's syndrome in early pregnancy
Combining maternal age and serum alpha-fetoprotein to predict the risk of Down syndrome
Appropriate Biochemical Parameters in First-trimester Screening for Down Syndrome
Screening in early pregnancy for pre-eclampsia using Down syndrome Quadruple test markers